Software Development

We build applications that work for your users and organization

We build applications that work for your users and organization — We have experience in developing and maintaining complex enterprise platforms and manageable turn key solutions. By leveraging modern approaches to software development, we bring front-end, back-end, and architecture together to meet your business needs.

    • Talent: MicroTheory is very selective in our hiring process.  We have developed a custom multi-stage screening and hiring process to find the best developers for the job. Once hired, we have a robust onboarding program which includes ongoing training to keep our engineers up-to-date.
    • Innovative product thinkers and developers: Our CMMI and ISO based custom processes enable our engineers to be innovative thinkers not just outstanding developers. Our team has decades of combined experience delivering innovative solutions to customers.  We enable innovation via rapid prototyping, iterative development, design thinking and agile developments. Our approach centers on creating business impact via a proven approach to identifying and delivering on opportunities.
    • Reduced Development Risks and Controlled costs: We offer our customers the flexibility to scale  development teams up and down as needed. We can quickly add resources or additional expertise to a project, with talent that ramps up in days, not months.  We’re not just developers, we are solution engineers. Our clients rely on our product designers to build products that meet requirements. We work with you to validate your assumptions, generate new approaches and rapidly iterate.

Custom Software Solutions and Cloud Computing

Data Science and Agile Development